Monday, April 18, 2011

Making plans and re-making plans

We had originally planned to do the next transfer here at home. (YAY!)
Well... that's not happening. My fertility clinic won't do it. Long story. Not all that interesting, so back East I will fly.  That's okay. Little A has become quite the Daddy's girl anyway.  :)

The date for transfer was originally May 20th. K and I both knew that it would most likely be May 13th (Friday the 13th) and figured they were trying to avoid that date by doing it a week later. However the nurse just emailed saying she over calculated but we can do it on Thursday May 12th instead. So... that will probably be our new date. I'll fly out on the Tuesday before.

The clinic out East currently has my cycle parked for a couple of days by using birth control pills. Then I'll start estrogen once the sync list is coordinated for this cycle. I feel like there's a lot of disorganization surrounding this cycle. Hopefully things will all shake out shortly.

So, that's the update for now. Off to plant vegetable seeds in little cups with my girls. Seems like I'm always growing something in a cup, eh?  lol

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