Tuesday, June 21, 2011

A little closure

I contacted K this morning to see how her appointment went yesterday with her uterine specialist. She indicated that things went well and that she’s feeling a little nervous today, as she’s not as sick as she has been previously.

roadClosureI told her I was happy things are looking good and that it’s normal to feel varying levels of sickness. I told her that her new mantra is: I am pregnant today. I will enjoy today as much as possible, and that  worrying only steals your strength. I let her know that I have faith in her strength and that I’ll be ducking into the background now, but if she needed anything from me, whether it’s advice or a shoulder, that I’d be there. 

I feel like I can go on with my normal life now, and that’s a bit of a weight lifted. I can’t wait to see my daughter’s first soccer game tomorrow night, now that I’ll be home, and I’m excited for the possibilities that the summer holds.

Where one door closes, another opens.  Winking smile

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Everyone is absolutely entitled to their opinion and I love to hear alternative view points. That's the spice of life! However... please know that if your comment is in any way (1)derogatory toward the intended parents, (2)lacks common courtesy/tact, or (3)provides an uneducated stance it will be moderated. Difference of opinion is fine. Stupidity, not so much. Positivity - it does a body good! :)