Monday, May 23, 2011

Yanking the bandaid

The mother sent a message to me this morning. It went like this:

K: I'd like to yank of the bandaid and get on with the day ;) Any results yet? 
Me:  Negative
My gosh I hate this for her. There are three days until the BETA. (Today is 11 days past a 4 day transfer.) Things are just not looking good. In fact, they're looking very grim. Can you imagine spending thousands, double digit thousands, for a negative result? All this on top of not being able to carry the child... It kills me, so I can't imagine how it feels to her. If you've got some to spare, please send her and the father good thoughts if you can.


  1. So many thoughts and prayers are coming your way (your meaning you and the parents). If there was ever a time for a miracle, let this be it!

  2. So many thoughts and prayers are coming your way (your meaning you and the parents). If there was ever a time for a miracle, let this be it!

  3. This just plain sucks.. its so not fair. They have been through so much and then to have someone like you trying to give them such an amazing, selfless gift.. I hope and pray that this eventually works the way everyone is hoping!!


Everyone is absolutely entitled to their opinion and I love to hear alternative view points. That's the spice of life! However... please know that if your comment is in any way (1)derogatory toward the intended parents, (2)lacks common courtesy/tact, or (3)provides an uneducated stance it will be moderated. Difference of opinion is fine. Stupidity, not so much. Positivity - it does a body good! :)