Tuesday, May 31, 2011

The beginning to the end

I must say, I feel so good today. My face is clearing up and my ambition is back. Yesterday I weeded and thinned the garden, cleaned out closet, worked on garage sale things, mopped all of the floors, planted a bunch of hostas… It feels great to be off the meds and have my motivation back.

I get to enjoy it for one more day. Tonight, according to the nurse, I start birth control pills again until next Monday. (geesh.) No doubt my own eggs have started to grow after 5 days unmedicated, so I feel badly that they’ve been wasted.  Hopefully they’ll dissolve and not cause problems. They could help my estrogen levels though, as developing follicles (eggs) emit estrogen.

The nurse said that she’ll call in my Rx later and then they’ll organize my cycle and have a sync list to me today or tomorrow.  sweet.

Tentatively, the transfer will happen on either Thurs June 23rd or Fri June 24th…. Of course we could have knocked a week off of that if they’d had it together but I’m going to stop complaining about that now. Smile 

K sent me a message to arrange my flights. The subject heading for her email was “Final Cycle.” While I know that’s the case, it made my heart skip a beat. This is it. The last cycle.  I’ll never go back to that clinic. (True whether I’m pregnant or not.) My mind flips to a number of scenarios, uncertainties, and mostly hope. Hope serves me better than doubt.

Now excuse me while I shove my hopeful rear end out the door to enjoy our beautiful weather. Smile 

P.S. To those of you who have commented on the last few posts… Thank you! Your words do touch me and make a difference. Thank you!

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Everyone is absolutely entitled to their opinion and I love to hear alternative view points. That's the spice of life! However... please know that if your comment is in any way (1)derogatory toward the intended parents, (2)lacks common courtesy/tact, or (3)provides an uneducated stance it will be moderated. Difference of opinion is fine. Stupidity, not so much. Positivity - it does a body good! :)