Monday, March 14, 2011

It's the little things...

One of the things that I love about K, the intended mother, is that she sometimes includes little notes for my oldest daughter when she sends a package. They met when they last visited our home, and my little K was fascinated by her.  They became fast friends.

Well, another package arrived last Thursday with my meds and another special message from K. My daughter loved it of course,  and again we talked about what the meds were for and how mommy was going to help K&M. She asked if I was going to send her to live with K&M too. That one made me pause and just the thought of it made me sad. How long had she been thinking about this? I told her that mommy and daddy had worked really hard to create her because we wanted her so very much, and that we love her intensely, so we'd always be her parents. I told her that in the same way, K&M created their baby with love and we'll give that baby back to them so that they can be his or her parents. Bless her heart. I hope she never thinks we'll give her up.

Here's my proud little "deep thinker" with her special mail.
I protected her identity. Just imagine the most beautiful (inside and out) 3 year old you've ever met. That might come close.

1 comment:

  1. Now that's a side of surrogacy I'd never considered. What a sweet child you have! And your blog and journey are fascinating.
    Came over from the blog hop to say hi. It's nice to meet you!


Everyone is absolutely entitled to their opinion and I love to hear alternative view points. That's the spice of life! However... please know that if your comment is in any way (1)derogatory toward the intended parents, (2)lacks common courtesy/tact, or (3)provides an uneducated stance it will be moderated. Difference of opinion is fine. Stupidity, not so much. Positivity - it does a body good! :)